Yuko is 39 years old and lives in Amagasaki. She lost her job due to unreasonable restructuring by her company and has not worked since then. She lives with her 65-year-old father, Ryutaro. Ryutaro runs a small factory. One day, Ryutaro suddenly tells Yuko that he is going to remarry. He then brings over 20-year-old Saki, and they begin to live together. Saki dreams of having a happy family, but Yuko is embarrassed about having a 20-year-old stepmother and can’t accept Saki as part of her family.

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Status: Ongoing Released: Mar 5, 2024 Duration: 1 hr. 59 min. Country: Japan Type: Movie Director: Nakamura Kazuhiro Casts: Eguchi Noriko, Matsuo Satoru, Nakabayashi Taiki, Nakajo Ayami, Nakamura Yuri, Shofukutei Tsurube
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